Simply select what you wish to export and press this button.

The resulting fbx files has been successfully tested with the following tools. The Unity Fbx Exporter uses the powerful fbx sdk from Adobe to deliver you robust compliant fbx files both binary and ascii! (tri-planar, worldspace, reflection, refraction, etc.) This means you can bake your substances, uma atlasses or custom shaders! Please note that space aware shaders doesn't work at this time.

In addition it can export baked textures from any standard lighting material. It works on skinned meshes, regular static meshes, cloth and even terrains! You can do all your setup and grey-boxing, then very quickly export things to digital content creation tools (DCC), such as 3ds Max, Maya or Maya LT, have the artists finalize the content, and safely merge your changes back into those Assets to continue your work in Unity.The Unity Fbx Exporter is an easy to use powerful fbx exporter that will allow you to export models and even scenes from Unity. By doing this, it enables you to round trip very easily and save loads of time. The Exporter enables Autodesk tools to be aware of your Unity project and the location of your Assets folder. The FBX Exporter package makes it smooth and easy to send geometry and animation from Unity 2017.3 or later, to any application that supports FBX, and back again with minimal effort. The Unity FBX Exporter is available in Preview via the Package Manager from versions 2018.3 and up. The built-in Unity FBX Importer provides support for:Īnimation and animated custom properties (when present in the FBX file)